As an option, how about considering, evaluating, “skunkworks” sponsoring via the IOTA Eco System Fund, a proof of benchmark “PoBM” linked to vendor 3rd party verified/certified Bench Mark “BM” tests where the Job submitter offering up the bounty for a job specifies the BMs to be used in order to determine bounty share?
Such a PoBM approach relies on past proofs of performance verified by third parties, and would be both fast and use time tested 3rd party proofs of performance
Such a PoBM would require the IOTA Qubic Oracle machines to submit the Vendor ID of machine, VM manager and OS system IDs or Versions on which the oracle operates, and then the Job assigns the BM value(s) which could then be a compound index value used for relative oracle ranking to determine bounty share, based on verfiying the oracle claim with a trusted third party source for the BMs of the particular configuration offered up by the oracle and specified by the job submitter.
The PoBM resource test would be also factoring in values into the compound index like availability time, which, for example is important for long CFD jobs. This way the onus is on the Job submitter to submit the BM ranking sources and the compound math used to create an oracle ranking index for the job, all based acceptable 3rd party benchmark data sources (which exist is various forms today). Thereafter the IOTA Qubic oracle logic can quickly check if they want to participate or move on.., and the Job submitter can verify PoBM index values against a 3rd party source as “PoBM specified” by the Job submitter for that Job, before allowing the the request to join from an oracle into an IOTA Qubic Quorum set up to run the submitted job…
Certainly IOTA MAMs could be used as the control/verification communications plane to facilitate the asynchronous signalling of resource test vertification via “PoBM” to satisfy the IOTA Qubic Resource Test Phase as currently described.
Such a PoBM approach also creates a whole new set of opportunities for performance verification labs already in operation around the globe. Given the possible index value combinations used for different types of jobs which job submitters will dream up for their type of job, there is plenty of room for innovation.