Cross Chain support would be nice, in fact, necessary in order to get around the sequential nature and difficult to scale behavior of Ethereum’s blockchain, it really is a long term survival strategy. The “blockchain” market as a whole technically has seen many advances which leapfrog this current tech in a big way.
Personally I like to bet on and support more than “one-horse” in such a race as the market will not converge, but continue to diverge even more than it has today into what are “islands of corporal currency” . IMO ERC721 “gateway” capability into other tech is a place to start in the P2P sense, such function should live in Dapper (on multiple mobile and desktop platforms), which should also be multi (non-eth) altcoin in order to engage and reach a much larger and fast-growing addressable market than what is currently the case today with CryptoKitties.