The case for Facebook Globalcoin?
Hmm, Mark Z. is at it again as directed by his board. (Who are those guys really, anyway, who are the real guys behind the curtain directing members of the FB board?)
Well given FB’s audience is rapidly ageing with over 50% of their users are Boomer I & II , who collectively by at least 90% know nothing about cryptocurrency other than the word “Bitcoin” , has FB facing what is both a big hurdle and, I suppose, in the eyes of FB’s master strategists, also a BIGGER opportunity, to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes as their “flock” simply start to use Globalcoin to print money without limits and steal everyone’s buying power , likely to be enabled by a one time, big, free Airdrop found as part of a new FB upgrade running on your web browser?
The above scenario is more than likely. In fact, if past FB behaviour is any indication, it’s a given. And of course the Mainstream News or MSM (Main Stream Media), which is what the Boomer corwd watches and believes, will promote FB to drive their “never seen a profit” , king of carrying losses forward, darling, FB stock. (Complete with Wonderfully manipulated EPS “Earning per share” facilitated through Clinton legalized “Stock Buy Backs” by the CxO suite of their company).
If anyone in their right mind and “in the know” about how distributed public ledger’s really work managing crypto-currency transactions and issuance, thinks otherwise, it’s time for a checkup with the local shrink. You can bet FB will use the Private ledger model from Hyperledger “hucked” by IBM or similar to avoid public scrutiny and do the above. It will be, IMO and “inside job”.
My advice to all those with friends in the Boomer I and Boomer II bracket, and even the Gen X bracket, help them understand why they need to “say no to FB & Globalcoin” and help them, if they want to get into crypto, to first educate themselves, and then as a general directive, point them to research and then encourage then to buy anything else other than FB Globalcoin which is transparent as a team, intention, results and decent roadmap solving za real world problem (other than being a speculative NYC stock market gambling hall play) likely to be found reported on . Bitcoin is a good place to start for the medium risk part of their portofolio
For those crypto gurus out there, first and foremost, respect and protect your elders from FB Globalcoin and the decimation of their buying power should they use it, even if you don’t like them, it’s in your best interests to do so.