The Need for Energy Sovereignty
Energy Sovereignty, that is owning/renting and operating your own local power generation, storage and delivery capabilities leads to many long term savings and new revenue opportunities.
Think of Energy Sovereignty as the 60s and 70s all over again, where it was common place to rent your hot water heater and softener (if you needed one) , maybe even have them on a plan to buy the lease agreement out, so you owned them out right.
The logic back then was quality of life, you could size the hot water tank to meet the needs of your family, and make sure the experience of soft water (lots of suds for little soap, great skin) was yours for just a few dollars a month.
Did doing so earn you any revenue? Nope. Did such an act save you money, definitely not! That said the benefits were enough to go ahead and do it.
So why not invest in “Energy Sovereignty” and take advantage of new savings and reap the rewards of new revenue opportunities such an investment offers?
No, I am not talking about a Tesla Power Wall, and ordering a bunch of solar panels so you just get a break from rising power bills. Solar is completely subsidised by the rate payer and tax payers, and in the case of Tesla it has been the state of New York and now the State of Nevada which makes it all possible for Tesla to artificially lower the price of Battery systems and Solar Panel near or below the cost of producing them, squeezing out their competition “ style”.
What I am talking about is investing wisely in your own business , community or home project, and even the projects of others, anywhere around the world, and helping you and that far away project save money and avoid rising power bills while also reaping the regular revenue rewards as an investor in those far away projects, in what ever the amount would be large or small.
Beyond Bitcoin: Crypto Powered Energy Sovereignty
Enter the world of crypto powered investments in real “shovel ready” small power generation and energy storage projects using new, proven technologies which change the playing field in power generation and energy storage. My company Harvistor llc has launched TWIND Power just now, to enable IOTA IOTA crypto Hodlers to use the TWIND Power cloud services to participate in the investment , build out and returns of deploying many off-grid or grid edge attached Energy Station projects powered by TWIND Power, anywhere in the world.
Exciting stuff, so what’s the catch?
Non-Subsidized Wind Powered Energy Generation using next generation low cost container batteries.
TWIND Power has designed the first subsidy free off-grid Energy Station for small business and home use. The subsidy free TWIND Power exclusive design has two patent pending Harvistor rotors share the same stand and removes the need for expensive concrete, using the Battery as weight to keep the system in place helped with a 4 ground screw piles. Better yet the cross flow is split, steadied and accelerated by the fabric covered fairing to get both counter rotating rotors to work on the low cost self directing yaw system which always keeps the two rotors operating at maximum possible generation levels regardless of which direction the wind comes from or shifts to, regardless of wind speed.
The TWIND Power 2X22456_20kW NP system has two ultralight weight 10kW axial flux generators which charge up two banks of batteries totalling at least 120kWhrs. The TWIND Power Energy Station can be configured with voltage pressure between 5 and 10kW power out, enough to power a small business or home for 60 hrs, or roughly 2 1/2 days (5kW output). Ships in a 20 ft container or tractor-trailer cargo hold.
Local installation and setup? No concrete required , just rent a fence pole hole auger, and install the four screw piles supplied to anchor your Energy Station. Bring your toolbox, some “ arm strong” power and a bit of electrical know-how to hook up the pony panel to your building to connect to the TWIND Power Energy Station, and voila, Energy Sovereignty?
Not so windy in your area? No problems, TWIND Power has a solar panel kit you can add to your buildings roof top, flat or angled to make sure you are always charging the Energy Station. We work with our existing partner to get it right.
Windy and or Sunny Site? Want to sell your extra power to the grid? No problem, this is where the extra revenue is earned, which can offset what is likely to be the cost of the rented Energy Station you size (Battery hour depth)and acquire from TWIND Power either directly or through TWIND Power OEM or Integration/Support partners.
Need investors? Then become your own IPP “Independent Power Producer” and offer PPAs “Power Purchase Agreements” to your neighbours and/or the public grid, to design your own Energy Station so you can prove you can earn extra revenue in order to attract those investors on the TWIND Power Cloud Service running on financial marketplace. Crowdfunded Energy Station projects will be a reality on the TWIND Power Cloud service sooner than you think, likely by early 2020.
To find out more about what we are doing and what is happening with our crowdfunding effort on please go to our TWIND Power server Discord channel here.
Energy Sovereignty should not not cost you “an Arm and a Leg” and not be subsidised by tax and rate payers, AND anyone should be able to lower their power bill and earn a return from either renting, owning or investing in off-grid power generation and energy storage easily with the TWIND Power Energy Station, planned for 2020 availability, as hindsight is 20/20, as we have learned how to do it right through past experience and observation. :)