Tokenized Wind Power for the Masses

I M Edwardsson
7 min readMay 2, 2018


Preferred shares have traditionally been hard to acquire for the average investor when it comes to capital intensive projects such as renewable energy projects in the Megawatt Power class.

Take for example Big Wind Farms. Maybe a few land owners benefit and receive an annuity income for renting their land to the Wind Farm Developer, and some locals get temp jobs to pour the concrete foundations and erect the towers, and then the rest of the local population see some specialists come in from abroad to integrate the local power distribution into the grid, and thereafter there are a few local operator and maintenance jobs sprout up. All of this Big Wind farm build activity happens while the community most impacted, the local community, looks on, wondering how they get involved to benefit directly, financially.

Do their power bills really go down? Does the local economy really flourish? Can they invest directly and earn a regular return to supplement their pay cheque or pension?

The sad answer is NO, to all three of these burning local community questions. In many cases their local power bill continues to creep upward annually, as their disposal income shrinks due to paying for higher taxes redirected by governments to outbid other communities with tax payers subsidies to let the wind farm get developed in their domain in the first place for what amounts to a few local jobs while the wind farm profits land elsewhere in the hands of a few accredited investors backing the project. Ouch!

If only there was a way to allow fair participation in the profitability of these Big Wind Farms without the local/regional and even federal tax paper taking a tax hit subsidizing their development. Let’s face it, today Big Wind is a highly subsidized industry worldwide, paid for by the tax payer, as is case in the MW Solar market.

Enter and their intention to deliver MegaWatt Scale Hi density Wind Farms with twice or more tower capacity factor of current MW scale wind turbines and 12X the density per farm project in terms of land use. How can this be true?

A Ground level view of V3Wind’s innovative modular Wind Farm Tower Design, built in service elevators included. Copyright V3 Technologies 2018 All Rights Reserved.

The simple answer is, in the words of V3Wind’s CEO, Dr. Kenneth Cory “It’s just physics”. The short of it is, for the first time, V3Wind is closest to delivering a Hi Density MW Scale Wind Farm Solution as described without tax payer subsidies and rate payer bill hikes, which will place planned V3Wind power generation sites on a par with thermal generated electricity using Natural Gas. WOW!

Dr. Cory’s two patents clearly describe how this Big Wind “playing field change” in Big Megawatt Wind Farm Performance is achieved by V3Wind farm towers. The first advance starts with a low cost fabric covered wind speed acceleration tower design which almost doubles the wind speed near the tower to see the carousel mounted rotors generate more than twice the capacity factor of power output. Such an advance is accomplished by V3Wind’s innovative integration of known proven technologies that have worked in the past, but not yet in concert. The V3Wind carousel mounted system of four vertical rotors per module level, in an 11 module wind farm tower, where each level has a nameplate “NP” capacity of 400KW for a total wind farm tower NP of 4.4MW is a “capacity factor” game changer doubling power output per wind tower over existing technologies.

The V3Wind rotors themselves are also specially designed Starwind5 generator system equipped rotors (designed by moi) equipped with CVTs to work over a much wider range of wind speeds cutting in @ just over 2m/s wind speed to start generating useful power where the tower converts and accelerates the flow to near tower wall wind speeds of 3.6m/s with enough torque generated to over come electrical resistance in the generators and produce useful power. These new rotors specifically designed for use with V3Wind’s acceleration tower stay in operation with top efficiency up to accelerated wind speeds of 30m/s. The synergy of this unique patented integration means double the capacity factor per tower over the current technology which is mainly horizontal axis, three blade wind turbines in the MW classes I, II or III. Wow again!

To further improve V3Wind’s capacity factor per wind farm tower, Dr. Cory’s second patent incorporates the use of the CVTs “continuously variable transmissions” (installed in over 1 million new cars annually these days) to make sure the four rotors per level maximally convert the available kinetic wind power at each level of the wind farm tower into useful power, which is aggregated by the tower’s power bus and delivered to the attached public or private grid as efficiently as possible.

Finally, the third advancement developed by V3Wind sees each carousel of rotors manage the rotor wakes so ensure wind farm towers can be spaced with 12X more density than current wind farms. I am confident from the above description of V3Wind’s advantages ny financially oriented investor can figure out V3 Wind no longer requires any subsidy to more than exceed investor return expectations from a V3Wind project, potentially coming to a site near you. :)

Of course proving V3 Wind’s 2X leap in capacity factor and 12X better power density per square mile, especially to the crypto investor is paramount for V3Wind in their plans to bring Hi-Density “HD” Wind Farms to the Masses. It’s a noble vision which Dr. Cory at V3Wind has, “to really help lower rate payer power costs and reduce the tax payer tax burdens while having the masses participate in the success of our V3Wind projects as an investor, big or small, receive and annuity payment based on our power output as periodic guaranteed return ”. What share the wealth, distribute the wealth? V3Wind is a game changer of historic proportions and we can thank Dr. Cory for this when these planned V3Wind projects start generating electricity in the coming years. :)

Dr. Cory’s vision, thanks in part to Distributed Ledger Technology, can be finally realized by V3Wind, as they plan to incorporate IOTA’s distributed ledger technology, the Tangle to cost effectively write summary power generation information to the IOTA public ledger for all to see. In V3Wind’s case, V3 Wind’s wind farm tower SCADA power input info will be written to the IOTA Tangle residing in two IOTA redundant Nodes that are hosted in the bottom of each tower and served with a very reliable local charged battery source for V3Wind to use as well as anyone making use of the IOTA Tangle. IOTA Tangle is a public DLT for all to see, including regulators concerned about getting their payout to V3Wind right and ensuring the local rate payer bills line up with the cost of generation. In this case V3Wind’s public key accessed power output data will clearly show the obvious power output efficiencies (without subsidies) V3Wind plans to bring to this market by 2019. Now that type of utility transparency is exciting.

As a next step to satisfy V3Watts project token investors of record, V3Wind’s back office accounting software system then reads up the IOTA stored public power output records for the wind farm project, figures out the actual operating and admin costs to be deducted from the Big Wind Farm project in each annuity payout period, and then writes the investor guaranteed periodic payout valued in ERC20 format for each investor as smart tokenized V3Wind smart contracts created in ERC20. The V3Wind Back office calculated investor payout is then written as a balance an ERC20 smart contract called the V3Watt Toekn, hosted on a capable and trusted private blockchain operating within V3Wind’s distributed hosted services.

Thereafter, the V3Watts registered project token holders have their V3Wind payout transferred by V3 as ERC20 formatted V3Watts tokens in US $ value at time of issue, directly into their investor V3Wind registered ERC20 capable wallets bearing the same project name. These V3Watts project tokens are also tradable on popular altcoin exchanges centralized and distributed supporting the ERC20 token format, just as anyone would trade/by/sell non-voting preferred shares in traditional markets.

Nice! A prime Main St. Application, real power production from Big Wind Farms meets Fin-tech Distributed Ledger Use Case! Finally! Even the Blockchainers using mining and Proof of Work will be happy (and should probably invest to help offset their massive energy use.)

In each case public and private, V3 Wind’s operational summary data and annuity payout data is audit-able by regulators in the former, to ensure the power authority or enterprise is paying the right amount for the V3Wind power generated, and in the latter, the investors are getting the guaranteed payout they expect when they invested in the V3Watts project token. Everybody wind, and their are no transaction costs!

V3 Wind is poised to change the world of Big Wind Power Generation in a very big way, bigger than any of us can imagine. More importantly anyone globally or local to the project will be able to invest in V3Wind’s V3Watt project tokens of the same name, project by project as they are built, where the first V3Wind project includes the first certification of the first operational V3 Wind farm tower for insurance and bank financing purposes and then V3Wind will raise the capital and debt to build the first demo wind farm expected to efficiently run for at least 10 years and probably much longer.

Depending on the level of V3Wind’s success in their first ICO effort, early investors buying the first V3Watts project tokens will receive a success level adjusted guaranteed annuity payout for the useful life of the project, based on the project’s power output. For bigger accredited investors they can also buy into the equity of V3Wind’s parent company and buy V3Watts project tokens for the first project at a reasonable discount. How cool is that!

I for one, look forward to V3Wind’s market arrival and making a big difference in the world of power generation, by finally enabling the fair participation of investors local and global as V3Wind brings un-subsidized power to the people for the first time which finally and effectively competes with fossil fuel non-renewable based power generation. All good and we can’t wait at Starwind5.

So there you have it, the first glimpse into V3Wind and you read it first here. Being close to this project as the CTO at V3Wind, I am happy to answer and redirect your questions as they come up. Onward and Upward!



I M Edwardsson
I M Edwardsson

Written by I M Edwardsson

DLT Architect, CEO WRRSystems, IEN Member, SCADA2IOTA, EnerSettle, Publish0x Blogger as Thunderboltkid, Contracted Consultant for CloudProx

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